Saturday, May 18, 2013

thank you very much

Since the very beginning I've been trying to teach Hugo various polite phrases so that he could behave politely while with others. So letting him through the front, bathroom or any other doors I always said: After you and showed him the way, he learned what it meant very quickly and then tried to repeat it and said: A too too or something similar; though it wasn't what the original phrase was the melody and the number of syllables was the same. Today, for the first time he pronounced it correctly and I was so proud, cos the months of repetition proved effective.
What's more, whenever I give him something I say: Here you are, sonny and again he replies: Hie ya ya and I say: Thank you very much. Of course there are moments when he forgets about the phrases or mispronounces them but recently without any encouragement he uttered the words in the proper context and perfectly; I hope he'll remember that forever, I'd love to have a well-behaved sonny;) 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


We had always wanted to show Hugo the zoo in Dwór Kralowe in Czech Republic as we reckon it's the best zoo in this part of Europe. That's way, we took the opportunity to go there during the long weekend in May. At first I was a bit apprehensive of the long trip-it takes about 3 h 30 min from our place of living and then of the huge zoo area to cover.
Hugo, however, surprised as a lot because he was a completely tireless boy and only wanted to walk, refused to use the stroller and clung to the railings or bars to stay close to the animals.
What's more, he imitated the sounds of the animals he knows from The Animal Sound song. Mommy, look elephant-parroooo, lion roar... it was like music to my ears;)
I look forward to another trips;)